HomeAbout us

Constellation Teams

Just like the stars align in the vastness of space, our teams come together to create a symphony of innovation. Our pattern is simplifying complex fractions and taking bold strides towards the future of SaaS. We push boundaries, explore uncharted territories, and make our mark among the constellations of success. We fuse technology, trendiness, and teamwork to go where no startup dared before! 🚀

Marketing Team

If the Dev team is the brains, the Marketing Team is the heart of our constellation. This dynamic ensemble of marketers always reaches our desired destination. With celestial command over words, statistics, coordination, and powered by limitless imagination, they weave cosmic stories that capture the essence of our software, products, and technology, ensuring our message reaches even those galaxies far, far away.

Meet the Team

You can’t build a constellation without having a few stars in your crew.

Bozidar Nikolic

Product Manager

Igor Cyan

Head of Marketing

Aleksandar Stankovic

UI/UX Designer

Todor Damjanovic

Graphic Designer

Filip Vujkovic


Tako Zarandia

SEO Manager

Miroslav Kitic

Social Media Manager

Nikola Urosevic

Digital Partnership Specialist

Sophie Tabagari

Onpage SEO Specialist

Tamara Manojlovic

UI/UX Designer

Petar Jovanovic

Quality Assurance

Irena Cuturic

UI/UX Designer

Tako Macharashvili

SEO Specialist

Ready to join the team?

If everything you’ve read so far sounds fun, we just might be a match. The project is always growing, so let’s grow together!

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